Are you on track to achieve the things on your wish list in life?  Will you have financial freedom?

Are you worried about your current and future financial well-being, or does it overwhelm, confuse and frighten you?

Take a moment, close your eyes and dream.

How would it feel to have financial freedom, money to pay the bills, take that wonderful holiday, or start your own business?

Imagine that you are on track to achieve your goals and dreams and you are enjoying the journey.

Let us demystify the financial jungle and get you on track.

Kath Orman has been a financial planner since 1987 and she started her own business in 2001, as she could no longer function in the big corporate world. Kath wanted to do financial planning in her own way – from the heart in a more holistic manner and this is what she and her team have achieved.

At Goals & Dreams, we look at your individual situation and work out the best strategy, which will help you to achieve what matters in your life (not what the guy next door or the lady down the road is doing).

We work closely with you to help build your knowledge and understanding and help you make informed decisions.

We take away the fear and give you direction and ownership of your future.

We have a huge postcard board in our foyer, which displays the postcards clients have sent from all over the world.

It gives us such a buzz and we know that we have made a difference to our clients’ lives.

We will always be there for you, to answer your questions and demystify complex rules and regulations.

If you are thinking – “I’m hopeless with money” – please dissolve that thought. The fact that you are reading this information means that you have taken the first step to making a change in your current and future financial well-being.

Please contact us directly on 07 3350 9595 to arrange an obligation free, no charge appointment and get your financial affairs on the right track.

Goals & Dreams Financial Planning Pty Ltd and its advisers are Authorized Representatives of Fortnum Private Wealth Ltd ABN 54 139 889 535 AFSL 357306.

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